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Hazards hospital workers face on each shift

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

Hospital workers provide a valuable service to the patients they care for. This work comes with specific risks that can lead to severe injuries for the workers. It’s up to the employer to ensure that employers have everything they need to do their job duties safely.

Some risks, such as slips and falls, are common throughout workplaces, but others are more specific to people who work in healthcare settings. These three are some of the more common.

Infectious diseases

People in hospitals are sometimes sick with diseases that can be easily spread. These include ones like influenza and tuberculosis. Personal protective equipment and handwashing may help to prevent the spread of these diseases. 

Musculoskeletal injuries

Medical professionals often have to move patients, which involves heavy lifting in sometimes awkward positions. This may occur at a time when the hospital worker is already dealing with back strain from standing for long hours and bending to provide patient care. In some cases, mechanical lifts and team lift protocols may help to prevent these injuries. 

Chemical and radiation exposure

Hospital workers often handle hazardous chemicals and are exposed to radiation during diagnostic procedures. These exposures can lead to acute injuries or long-term health issues, including cancers. Ensuring proper safety measures, such as protective gear, regular monitoring and strict adherence to handling protocols, is essential to minimize these risks.

Some hospital workers may try to finish out their shift despite being injured. While it’s noble to want to care for their patients in this manner, it may cause the worker more harm. Instead, they should get immediate medical care. Workers’ compensation benefits should cover those expenses.