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What is your next step after receiving a denial of SSDI benefits?

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2020 | Social Security Disability |

Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are often available to individuals with sufficient work credits who have a disability likely to last longer than 12 months. Even if you submit a complete application, though, you may receive a denial of SSDI benefits. 

A denial is not the end of the road. While the Social Security Administration denies most initial applications for SSDI benefits, approvals often happen after applicants file appeals. With the help of an experienced SSDI attorney, appealing your denial may be your next step. 

A request for reconsideration

The first stage in appealing an SSDI benefits denial is to submit a request for reconsideration. This request places your application in front of a different adjudicator who may reach an equally different conclusion. 

Before sending your reconsideration request, you should add any new documentation that may benefit you. 

The disability hearing

While it is possible for a different SSA official to approve your application, you may have to go through a disability hearing as part of your appeal. At this hearing, an administrative law judge listens to testimony from you, witnesses and vocational experts. 

The judge also reviews medical and other evidence to determine if you are eligible for SSDI benefits. 

A limited time to appeal

If you do not like the decision of the administrative law judge, you probably have additional appellate options. For example, you may be able to seek review from the Appeals Council or even a federal judge. 

Still, the biggest mistake you can make after receiving an SSDI benefits denial is to give up. Instead of walking away, you have 60 days from the date you received your denial to move forward with an appeal.