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What are the risks of power tools in construction?

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2024 | Construction Workers' Accidents, Personal Injury |

Construction sites are inherently dangerous places, with various risks and hazards lurking around every corner. Among these, the use of power tools is a significant source of potential injury and accidents.

Understanding these risks is crucial for both workers and employers who aim to mitigate dangers and to better ensure a safer working environment.

Physical injuries

One of the most immediate and apparent risks associated with power tool use in construction is the potential for physical injuries. These tools are essential for efficiency and effectiveness in construction tasks, but they can cause a range of injuries from minor cuts and abrasions to severe lacerations and amputations.

The rotating parts, sharp edges and the force exerted by these tools make them particularly hazardous. For instance, a momentary lapse in attention while using a circular saw can lead to a catastrophic injury, such as losing fingers or even a limb.

Power tools also cause vibration white finger, repetitive strain injuries or hand-arm vibration syndrome. Prolonged use of vibrating power tools can lead to long-term nerve, joint and blood vessel damage.

Hearing loss

Another significant hazard of power tool use in construction is noise-induced hearing loss. Many power tools operate at noise levels that can cause permanent hearing damage over time.

The constant background noise of a construction site and the intense noise emissions from tools like jackhammers and chainsaws can lead to hearing impairment. This risk is often underestimated because hearing loss occurs gradually. Once noticed, the damage is usually irreversible.

Construction workers will need medical care if they are injured on the job. Workers’ compensation should cover the expense of that care. Workers should seek assistance from someone familiar with these matters because it can be a challenge to get the benefits that are due, especially if a case is particularly significant and/or complex.