Occupational accidents can occur in all industries, from construction to office jobs. Most of them result in only minor injuries, but some can disable workers totally, often for the rest of their lives.
You may wonder how you and your family will survive if you can no longer work. Exploring your income replacement options is wise. A good way to start is by learning how Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits differ from workers’ compensation benefits.
Differences in eligibility
Workers’ compensation benefits are almost immediately available to those injured or sickened on the job, regardless of their work history. By contrast, you must have worked a certain number of years to obtain SSDI benefits.
Differences in duration
As long as you remain disabled and cannot work, SSDI benefits may continue for the rest of your life. With workers’ compensation, disabled Idaho employees typically receive benefits for a set period, depending on the severity and type of injury.
They can work in tandem
It may be possible to receive workers’ compensation and SSDI benefits concurrently. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) tends to offset or reduce benefits for those also receiving workers’ comp benefits.
The reason for the offsets is to help ensure that eligible parties do not receive excessive payments. However, most disabled workers receive at least 80% of the average total income lost to a total and permanent disability.
More to learn
Of course, this is not all you need to know when seeking to replace the earnings you lose. Having experienced legal guidance can help ensure that your efforts to sustain yourself and your family in the face of physical adversity succeed.